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The educational system goes beyond the more than 60 elementary and high schools for the city’s children and adolescents.

There are also educational opportunities for adults that can help them learn English, gain skills for new or better jobs, or for obtaining a high school diploma which is commonly called a GED (General Education Development). Programs like these are often offered at community colleges, but there are also several adult education centers who provide similar training for free or a much lower cost.

Lincoln is also home to more than a dozen libraries and museums which all provide educational opportunity for young and old.

Public Schools

The Lincoln Public Schools system is government-run agency funded by property taxes and other public resources.

All Nebraska children between 6- and 18-years-old are required to attend school, although some students may quit school at 16 with parental permission. Students must finish high school before turning 22-years-old or they will...READ MORE


College or post-secondary education has become more and more important in the United States over the years. Most good paying, professional jobs require a four-year college degree before anyone can even apply for an entry-level job.

Although college can be expensive, there are several ways to fund the education with...READ MORE

Public Libraries


The most accessible learning opportunities in Lincoln are found in the eight public libraries sprinkled throughout the city.

Libraries are open to anyone, and provide access to books, magazines, newspapers and the internet. Some libraries also have video and music selections. Anyone can access these materials on the premises, but...READ MORE

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