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Government services


At its best, best government services can right wrongs, solve problems, provide opportunity, education and fulfill needs for the least of its citizens. The problem is that finding and taking advantage of those services can be a difficult and long process with piles of confusing paperwork and strange rules.

Here, you can find a brief look at many government services or where to find others. Another helpful resource for government resources is the Center for People in Need. They are familiar with the vast majority of services available and can help make the process easier. And if they can’t, they probably know someone who can.

Health & Human Services

Of all the government agencies, Nebraska’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) oversees some of the more critical services for those in need. Low-income families can go to the DHHS to apply for financial assistance in paying for...READ MORE

Fire Department

The Lincoln Fire Department not only responds to fires, but also provides emergency medical treatment, secures hazardous materials and enforces the state’s fire safety and prevention laws.

In an emergency, such as a fire...READ MORE



Police in the United States and Lincoln don’t just take people to jail.

They are generally regarded as public servants who help and protect communities and their residents, regardless of race, religion or nationality. Police do arrest criminals, but they also patrol streets, assist victims of crime, enforce traffic laws, and sometimes help resolve minor disputes.

If Americans have to deal with...READ MORE

Other government agencies

There are useful government agencies at every level: City, state and federal.

Dealing with these agencies can be complicated, even for natural born Americans, but there are people who know how to best navigate these systems, and they’re willing to help if you let them. Two prominent examples are...READ MORE

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